Essay - Allama Iqbal

Allama Iqbal

Illama Iqbal was born at Sialkot in 1877. His father was an ordinary businessman but he too keen interest in his eductaion. He got his primary and secondary education at Sialkot., and after passing the intermediate from Murray College, he went to Lahore and joined Government College. At School, his teachers was struck with his intelligence. During his early college days he came under the influence of Maulvi Mir Hassan who paid him special attention. He graduated from the Government college and later he passed his M.A in Philosophy and was appointed Assistant Professor at the Government College Lahore.

In 1905 he went to England for further study and joined the Cambridge University. In England he made friends with the world famous scholars. Dr. Brown and Dr. Nicholoson, returned in 1908 and began to practise as a brrister.

Before he left for England, his fame as a poet had already been established. He took part in different Mushairas and pems, won the praise of young old alike. Atfirst he began wrirting in Urdu but later on he took to writing on verses in Persian. His earlier Urdu verses were published in the form of book called Bang-i-Dara. It is a very popular book and here is seldom any educated house. in Pakistan. which does not possess a copy of the book.

Iqbal, unlike other Urdu poets, did not rising the praises of his beloved but he had a message to give to his countrymen. He wrote about, religion, freedom, slavery, equality fo men, cutoms and social evils. He has thoroughly studied his religionand found that it was only Islam that could cure humanity of all social and political evils. He roused the Muslims of India from laziness and sleep. He taught us to spend upon of India and Pakistan in all spheres of life.


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