Time: Three hours                           maximum: 100 marks                     All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) What is Graphical User Interface? Discuss the use of status bar, title bar and menu bar in detail?
 (b) What is the difference between ‘save’ and ‘save as’ option in File menu?
2. What is a mail merge? Discuss mail merge concepts with a suitable example.
3. Explain the following operations with an example.
 (a) Copy a text and place in another position
 (b) Create table with 5 rows and 3 columns
 (c) Adding a page numbers in the center of the page
 (d) Set the margins.
4. (a) What is worksheet? How does it differ from spreadsheet? What are the data types placed in a cell? Explain.
 (b) Discuss the facilities available to format the data in the cell with an example.
5. What is a chart? Discuss step by step to create various types of chart using the given set of data.
6. Write all shortcut keys used in office 2007.
7. (a) List the benefits for PowerPoint facility in MS-OFFICE
 (b) Give a suitable operational sequence to do the following :
 (i) Insert a picture in the slide
 (ii) Add an excel sheet
 (iii) Add date and time in all the slides.
8. Write short notes on:
 (a) Find and replace a text in Word
 (b) Functions in Excel
 (c) Creating table with constraints
 (d) Format the slides in PowerPoint.
Q9.         Write short notes on
1.       Title bar                                2.            Menu Bar            3.            Scroll Bars            4. Formula Bar

5.    Save and save as              6.          Paste and paste special                                   7. Sorting and Filtering   


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