Total Marks: 50                                  Time 2:00 Hrs
                     Note: Attempt any 10 questions
Q1.         Define and explain with the help of examples.
ü  Variable
ü  Expression
ü  Statement
ü  Constant
ü  Escape sequences
Q2.         i.              What is a variable? What are the types of variables, explain with the help of examples.
                ii.             What are the rules to declare variables? Explain with examples.
Q3.         What is difference between C and C++? What are the features of C language?
Q4.         Define Computer Language, What are the types of computer languages? Write a detail note.
Q5.         Define loop? Compare For and While loop, explain using programs.
Q6.         Define Operators, explain different operators using examples.
Q7.         Explain the role of header file in C language, also explain the structure of C program.
1.       Write a program which input two numbers from a user and add them, display result on the screen.
2.       Write a program which input, name, rno, and subject marks of a student and print, student name, rno , and total obtained marks on a screen.
3.       Write a program to make a factorial of a given number.
4.       Write a program that reads age in years and calculate age in days.
5.       Write a program to make a sum of series from 1 to 10.


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