Essay Discipline


Discipline means submissions to orders or rules. Both our mind and body need discipline. Life whether individual or social, depend on discipline.

Discipline must be enforced early in life. Discipline at home makes for the future greatness of a boy. It forms this character and makes him good citizen. It teaches him to get up early and attend to his lessons properly. It also teaches him to make physical exercise and avoid had things. A disciplined child will be regular. Punctual and well behaved. He will grow up to be a useful member of society. His later lefe will be governed by his early habits.

Discipline is important in every walk of life, In the army, for instance every one has to pass through every strict discipline. If a soldier does not obeys orders. There is an end of discipline. If a general does not follow instructions the army cannot do its work. A small policy or military force can control a mob of thousands. The reason is that a mob is never disciplined. People in a mob cannot act unitedly. 
In civil affairs as well discipline is of much value. The government controls the whole country with the help of a small number of disciplined men. From the Governor down to the village Chowkedar all  obey orders and follow instructions. If the government servants cease to obey orders. the result is chaos. Similarly in a family the members should obey its head. So without discipline there can be no peace and order in a society. 


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