Essay Fashions And Students Or Fashions In Dress

Fashions And Students 
Fashions In Dress

Fashions in dress change nearly every year. But fashions in the dress of women change more quickly.

Young men and women or boys and girls are every found of new clothes. They want to wear clothes of new Fashions. They like to wear those clothes which are attractive.

Students in colleges try to wear good and new clothes. But those students, who are poor cannot easily do so. Boys often wear English dress, that is, coats and pants during winter, shirts and pants during summer. They get these clothes made or sewn Pakistani Shirt, "Shilwar" etc. They also try to get these clothes according to the latest fashions.

When students become very found of fashionable clothes. it is harmful to them. They attend to their clothes more, and to their less. They try to wear the newest clothes. Then they spend much money on their clothes. They cannot buy books. They waste their time. Thus fashions in clothes do not have a good effect upon students.

Rich people in society can buy new clothes easily. They can change their clothes accordingly to changing fashions. Among these people we find the owner of beautiful houses or bungalows, sons and daughters of rich businessmen or landlord etc. But fashion in dress can be seen in cities only.In villages we have village fashions, which do not change much.

Fashions in cities often change when some people come from foreign countries. with attractive new clothes . Fashions are also changed by films. We see films actors and actresses wearing fine dresses. We also like to wear clothes like them. 

Fashions in clothes are not completely bad. They make clothes expensive no doubt. They waste our time also. But if we  have new fashions so quickly they are not bad.

Fashions in dress should not be much against our religious traditions which is against our honour or diginity.