General knowledge


·         NICHLOAS COPARNICUS  -      “On the revolution of the Celestial”
·         George Gamo -                       Big Bang Theory
·         Rakesh Sharma-                      03 April 1984  - Souyas T -11
·         Arthur Adington                      Solar Eclipse
·         ECG Sudarshan                        Weak Nuclear Forces
·         Adwin Hubble                          Red Shift
·         Isaac Newton                          Principia Mathematica
·         John Kepler                             Movement of Planets
·         Kepler 10 B                             New Planet Discover Lately
·         Japan Fukosima Nuclear         11 March 2011
·         State Animal of UP and MP    Barasingha
·         Yunani First put name             India
·         Rigveda                                   Oldest Veda (10 Mandal 1028 Shlokas- Vishwamitra)
·         Atharva Veda                          Medical Science  (Youngest Veda)
·         Rajtarangini                            Written by Kalhan
·         Ashtdhyayi                               Panini
·         Herodotus                               Father of History (Book- Historica)
·         Megasthenes                          Ambassador of Selucus (Book Indica & visited Chandragupta
·         Tolmy                                      Book “Geography of India”
·         Faihen                                                 Chinese traveler visited Naresh Chandragupta II
·         Hun sang                                 Visited in period of Harshvardhan
·         Albaruni                                  Arab writer visited with Md. Gaznavi
·         Study of document                  Epigraphy
·         First Metal                              Copper (used by Humans)
·         Sindhu Civilization                   Discovered by Raibahadur Dayaram Sahini
·         Lothal and Sutokotada            Sea port of Sindhu Civilization
·         Crops of Sindh Civilization      Rice and Jawar
·         Kalibangan                              Only haddapan place
·         Upnishad                                 108   
·         Puran                                       18
·         Old name of Mahabharata     “Jaisanhita”
·         Founder of Jainism                  Rishabha Dev  (Ist Tirithankar)
·         Lord Mahavir                          Birth Kundugram   (24th Tirathankar)
·         Mahavir Preaching                       Prakrit (Language)
·         Jain temples of Khajurahoo          Chandel
·         Gautam Buddha                            Light of Asia  (Birth – Lumbani)
First Preaching                              Sarnath
Maximum Preaching                    Shravasti
Mahaparinivaran                          Kushinara
·         Ellora Kailash Temple                   Rashtrakuta
·         Rajeshwar Shiva Temple              Chola Ruler Raj raja I
·         Lord Krishna                                  Chandogdaya Upanishad
·         Founder of Islam                           Hazrat Mohammad
·         Pareses                                          Jairthustra
·         Haryak Dynast                               Bimbisar (Killed by son – Ajatshatru “Kunik”)
·         Last ruler of Haryak Dy.                Nagdashk
·         Shishunag                                      Founder of Shishunag Dy. (Nandivardhan- Last Ruler)
·         Nand Vansh                                   Mahapadam Nand (Last ruler – Ghanand)
·         Sikander                                        Follower of Arastu
·         Maurya Dy                                                Chandragupta Maurya (Economist –Chanakya)
·         Bindusar                                        Successor of Chandragupta
·         Ashok                                             Successor of Bindusar (Son Mahendra & Daughter
·         Last ruler of Maurya Dy               Brahdrath
·         Sharyu Dynasty  (Brahmin)           Pushyamitra Sangas (Last Emperor – Devbhuti)
·         Kanav Vansh                                  First – Vasudev    Last  -  Susharma
·         Order of Foreign Invasion in India
Hind Yunani  à Shak àPalahavàKushan
·         After Shak 57 BC Started              Vikram Samvat & Start of Gupt Dynasty
Founder                                         Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya)
·         Kanishk Rajvaidya                         Charak   (Charak Samhita)
·         Kanishk Poet                                  Ashvaghosh   (Buddhacharitra)
·         Einstein of India                            Nagarjun
·         Silk making was invented             China
·         Gupt Dyanasty à Shrigupta àChandragupta I àSamudragupta (Napoleon of India)
·         Samudragupta                              Love Music (coins marked with Veena)
Poet                                               Harishen
·         Samudragupta àChandragupta IIàKumargupta àSkandgupta (renovated sudarshan lake)
·         Last Emperor                                Bhanugupt (Maximum Gold Coin during period)
·         During Chandragupta II                Kalidas,  Dhanvantri, Vishnu Sharma, Aryabhatta
·         Vardhan Dynasty                           Founder Pushyabhuti
·         Harshvardhan                               Founder of Nalanda
Banabhatt  wrote Harscharita  & Kadambari
·         Pallav Dynasty                               Dantidurg (Founder)   Ellora (Krishna I)
·         Chalukya                                       Tailap II (Vilhan & Vizyanaishwar)
·         Chola Dynasty                               Laxmsen  (Court – Jaidev  “Geet Govind”)
·         Kalchuri Dynasty                           Rajsekhar (Poet)
·         Rana Kumbha                                Vijay Stambh (Chittora)
·         Arab Invasion                                Md Bin Qasim
·         Md Ganji                                       Invaded 17 tiems (First with Jaipal)
(Member of court –Albaruni, Firduasi)
·         Md Gauri                                       Tarain I and II Vs  Prithviraj
·         Gulam Dynasty                              Qutubuddin Aibak ( Dhai Din Ka Jhopada Ajmer)
·         Qutubuddin Aibak àAramshah à Iltutmish àRajiya à Ghiyasuddin Balban
·         Kiljji Dynasty                                 Jalaluddin Feroj Khilzi à Allahuddin Khilji
·         Tuglak Dyansty                                          Ghyasdin Tuglak à Md. Bin Tuglak
(Temporarily shifted Capital Delhi àDevgiri)
(African Traveller visited his reign Ibnbtuta)
·         Followed by                                   Firoj Shah Tuglak
·         Saiyad Dynasty à Lodi Dy            Bahlol Lodi à Sikander Lodi (Agra) à Ibrahim
·         Panipat I                                        1526  Ibrahim Lodi and Babar
·         Bhakti Movement                         Kabir 1425   (Varanasi – Lahartara)
·         Gurunanak                                                1469  (Talvandi)
·         Tulsi Das                                        1554 (Banda)
·         Mughal Period                              BabaràHumayaun (1530-1556)
·         Humayun Nama                            Gulbaden Begam
·         Shershah  à Akbar  (1542-1605) Bairam Khan Care Taker  à Salim (Jahangir)àShahjahan
·         Panipat  II                                      1556  Akbar & Hemu
·         Din E Ilahi                                      Akbar
·         Abul Fajal                                      Akbar Nama
·         Aurengjab                                    
·         Kheda Battle                                 1707    Sahu and Tarabai
·         Panipat III                                      Maratha & Ahmed Shah Abdali
·         1498                                              Vascode Gama (Calicut Sea Port /Ist European)
·         1596                                              Carnolis Duhastman (Ist Dutch)
·         Ist Governor of East India Co.        Tomel Smith
·         Portugese                                      Ist  Established in Cochin
·         English                                           Ist Established in Surat
·         Battle of Plassey                           1757 Clive and Sirajuddaullah
Mir Jafar cheated and Clive won (Mir Qasim replaced Mir Jafar)
·         Battle of Buxar                              1764  Britisher Vs Mir Qasim /Shah Alam
·         Guru Mukhi                                   Guru Angad
·         Amritsar Golder Temple               Harminder Saheb à Guru Arjun
·         9th   Tegbahadur                             10th Guru Govind Singh  (Khalsa Panthà 1699)
·         High Court at Calcutta                  1774
·         Lord William Bantick                    (1828-1835) Ist Governor General
(Abolished Sati and with recommendation of Maculay English was accepted as medium of instruction)
·         Lord Dalhousie                              Doctrine of Lapse (Founder of Railway in India 16.04.1853
·         First Viceroy                                  Lord Canning (1857 Battle)
·         Lord Litton                                     Muslim Anglo University – Aligarh (Vernacular Press Act)
·         Lord Rippon                                   Abolished Vernacular Press Act
Ist  Census in India 1872
Hunter Committee to review education policy
Florence Nightangle called Rippon as Developer of India

·         Partition of Bengal                        Lord Curzon
·         Firoz Shah Mehta                          Bombay Chronicle & Ganesh Shankaer à Pratap
·         Lord Chamsford                            Rowlatt Act
·         Chouri Choura                               1922
·         Barometer                                                Torosaley
·         Bycycle                                          Macmillon
·         Carbon Paper                                Roulf Wedgewood
·         Car (Petrol)                                   Carl Benj
·         AC Motor                                      Nichola Tesla
·         Film (with music)                          Le De Forest
·         Gramophone                                 Thomas Alva Edison
·         Logarithm                                     John Napier
·         Super conductivity                        H K Ounce
·         Safety Match                                 John Walker
·         Telegraph                                      Samuel Moarse
·         Television                                      J L Baird
·         Type Writer                                   Palagreen Teri
·         Electric Fan                                   Wheeler
·         Microscope                                   Z Johnson
·         Pressure Cooker                            Denis Papin
·         Solar System                                 Kopernicus
·         Planets                                          Kepler
·         1928                                              Simon Commission
·         1942                                              Cripps Mission
·         Shimla Pact                                   1945
·         Lord Mountbatten             India Independent
·         19 March 1019                             Rowlat Act
·         Kakori Riot                                                09 August 1925
·         Forward Block                               Subhash Chandra Bose (1939)
·         J Kriplani                                       Chairman Congress (At the time of Independence)
·         Charchil Called                             MK Gandhi (half naked begger)
·         M K Gandih                                   Mahatma                    (Ravindra Nath Tagore)                                                                            Rashtrapita                 (S C Bose)
·         Sardar Patel                                  Sardar (Bardoli Women)
·         S C Bose                                        Netaji   (Adolf Hitler)
·         Gandhiji Political Leader              Gokhale
·         A O Hume                                     Hermit of Shimla
·         Ist Muslim Chairman of Congress Baidruddin Tayabji
·         Indian Leader Participating all 3 Round Table Conference:        B R Ambedkar
·         Bramho Samaj                              Raja Ram Mohan Roy
·         Prathana Samaj                            Ranade & Pandarang
·         Ramkrishna Mission                     Vivekanand
·         Gadar Party                                   Lala Hardayal
·         Ajzad Hind Fauz                             Rashbihari
·         Partion of Bengal                          1907
·         Home Rule                                                1916 (Tilak & Annie Beasent)
·         Khilafat Movement                       1920
·         Swaraj Party                                  1923
·         Bardoli Satyagrah                         1928
·         Salt March                                                12 March  1930
·         Gandhi Irwin Pact                         1931
·         Inqualab Zindabad                        Bhagat Singh
·         Young India                                   M K Gandhi
·         Dante                                            Lead Renissance
·         Decimal Measurement                 France
·         Mother                                          Mexico Gorki
·         First World War                            1914 – 1918
·         Bismark                                         Founder of Silent Treaty
·         Second World War                        1939-1945
·         Chola Dynasty                               Village Management
·         Kakkori Kand Happens with Quit India Movement
·         Measurement started in period of Allaudin Khilji
·         Shershah graveyard                      Sarsaram
·         Sati was first abolished by            Akbar
·         Oldest Dynasty                              Nand
·         Konark Sun Temple                       Narsingh Dev
·         Md Gori defeated Prithviraj         Tarain II
·         Maulana Sheri Translated Rajtarangini in Farsi
·         Hammayun                                   Fisrt Ruler to prepare Bye laws
·         Khujrahoo                                      Chandel
·         Samudragupta Ist pillar architect   à Harishan
·         Roof of world                                Pamir
·         Rajya Sabha cannot be dissolved
·         Ist Emergency in India                   1962
·         Fundamental Right                       USA
·         Article 370                                                J & K special state
·         Britain                                           Cabinetry Government
·         First Vice President                       S Radhakrishnan
·         Art 368                                          Amendment of Constitution
·         Art 88                                            Comptroller General(egkU;k;oknh) is not the member of
ministry(except in England) but participate in both House and have right to speak.
·         Art 315                                          Two state can have the common PSC Board
·         Venkatraman                                Vice President appointed with opposition (fuZfojks/k)
·         84th Amendment                           The composition of Lok Sabha will not alter till 2026
·         Governor can nominate 1 member in Vidhan Sabha & 1/6 part in parishad
·         In which state the Governor do not reside the power for tribal Area- Orissa
·         Art 28                                            Abolishment of Religion teachings.
·         Hury Parliament was implemented  à 1989
·         26th Amendment                           Abolished rights of Kings
·         Constitution Period                       2 years 11 Months and 18 Days
·         Starting of Parliament Session     Lok and Razya Sabha meet together & addressed by
·         1/10 of members of Parliament approves.
·         White revolution in India              Dr. V Kuriyan
·         Highest population Density State West Bengal
·         Bramhaputra                                Kailash Mountain
·         K-2 (Highest Peak)                                    Godwin Austin
·         Bhakra Nangal                              Sutlej River
·         Green Revolution                          Swaminathan
·         Ghana Bird Sanctuary                   Rajasthan
·         Haryanan                                      Lowest Forest Area (513 sq. Km  1.2 %)
·         Ganga is known as à                   Alakhnanda in its origin
·         Nagarjun                                       Krishna River
·         Kolleru  Lake                                 Andhra Pradesh
·         Vullar Lake                                                J & K
·         Pulikut lake                                   Meghalaya
·         Maximum Silver producing          Andhra Pradesh (42 %)
·         Peerpanajal Ranges                      J & K
·         Bomidilla Pass                               Arunanchal Pradesh
·         Loni River                                      Rajasthan
·         Forest area in India                       20.04 %
·         Haldiya Refinery                           West Bengal
·         Simplipal National Park                Orissa
·         Hirakund Dam                               Mahanadi
·         Jojila Pass                                      J & K
·         Rajghat Dam                                 Betwa
·         Nilgiri, Shevrai & Jansdi Ranges   Tamil Nadu
·         Tehri Dam get water from           Bhagirathi River
·         Rift Valley                                     Narmada River
·         Cardamom Hills                            Kerla
·         Tutikunn port                                Bay of Bengal
·         Kandla , New Manglore & Marangaon  à Arab Sea
·         Bahayaoni Ranges                                    Gaya
·         Nathula Pass                                 Sikkim
·         Idduki Electri Project                    Kerla
·         Sambhar Lake                               Rajasthan
·         India Has                                       16 Railway Zones
·         Kajiranga National Park                Assam
·         Ukai Dam                                      Tapti
·         Rana Pratap Dam                         Chambal
·         Thin Dam                                      Ravi
·         Periyar Hydel Plant                       Kerla
·         Damafa Sanctuary                                    Mizoram
·         UN                                                 24th Octobe 1945
1st President                                   Trigveli
192 Member                                 Montenegro
Present President                          Ban Ki Moon
Yukia Amho                                   President of IAEA (Intern. Atomic Energy Agency)
Gregri Star                                                New Security Chief
UN Chief of Staff                           Fijay Nambiyar  (Indian)
UN member for security council  15
Internation Court (Judges)            15
2010 UN Celebrated                     Biodiversity and Youth Year
UNICEF                                          New York
WHO                                             Geneva
World Development Report         World Bank
International Monetary Fund       Dec 1945
FAO                                               Rome
International Labor Org                Geneva
·         Robert Zoelok                               Chairman of World Bank
·         2009 Nobel Prize for Chemistry   Venkat Raman Ramakrishnan
·         2009 Man Booker Prize                Hillary Motel
·         Nobel Prize was started                1901 (Sweden)
·         International Award for Jounalism           Pultzar
·         Special Oscar Award                     Pather Panchali
·         1st Dada Saheb Falke Award         Devika Rani
·         Borlog Award                                Agriculture
·         Humayunama                               Bengam Gulbadan
·         Babarnama                                   Babar
·         Tujuke Jahangir                             Jahangir
·         Shahjanhanama                            Md Tahir
·         Pinjar                                             Amrita Pritam
·         Apprentiship of Mahatma                        Shobha Day
·         The Village                                    Mulk Raj Anand
·         Hindu View of Life                                    Dr. S Radha Krishnan
·         Aiane E Akbari                              Abul Fazal
·         Jafarnama                                     Guru Govind Singh
·         Odde to a nightangle                    Keats
·         Inheritance of Laws                      Kiran Devi
·         Tamil Ramayan                             Kamban
·         Digital Economy                            Donold Tapcost
·         Novel “Gora”                                Ravindra Nath Tagore
·         Wings of Fire                                 A P J Abul Kalam
·         Black Hole Theory                         S Chandrasekhran
·         1 Cosmic year                               Sun to revolve round Galaxy
·         Einstein Noble Prize                      Photo Electric Effect
·         Father of Geography                     Irratosthanis
·         India                                              32,87,263  sq Km
2.42 % of world                             8o37’N-37o6’N (29o) 68o7 E-97o25’(29)
Standard Latitude                         82030’ East  (Allahabad  à5 ½ Hrs)
Population                                     17.5 % of World
382 People /sq Km                        Sex Ration   à 940:1000
National Water Animal                 Ganga Dolphin
National High Ways                      222 (Largest à 7)
Highest Water Fall                                    Jog or Gorseppa  (Mahatma Gandi Fall Karnataka)
Largest Zoo                                   Zoological Garden Kolkata
Heaviest Rainfall                           Mausinram
Tropic of Cancer                           8 States
First Sung National Anthem          27 December 1911 (Kolkata Session) (The morning song)
                                                      Accepted 24 January 1950
Vandematram                               5 Stanzas (1 Min 05 Sec) àKahrava Raag
First Census                                   1872 (1881àDecade Census)
1st Flydam                                      Sivasamudram 1902
Bengal Gazzet                               James Hicky
Hindi Newspaper                          Udant Martand
Aryabhatta                                    1975, 19 April
Durdarsan                                     1959 (New delhi)
Home Satelite                               Insat II A 1992
Nuclear Test                                  Pokhran (18 May 1974)
Missile                                           Prithvi 1988
Indian Army                                  Kariappa
English Channel                            Mihir Sen
Raman Magasy                             Vinoba Bhave
Noble Prize                                    R N Tagore
Lok Sabha Chairman                     Mavlankar
Grammy Award                            Ravi Shankar
World Billiard                               Willson John
Lenin Award                                  Dr. Saifuddin
Lady Governor                              Sarojani Naidu
UPSC          Chairman                    Roj Baithu
Chief Minister                               Suchitra Kriplani
Supreme Court                              Fatima Biwi
High Court                                     Leela Seth
Lenin Peace                                   Aruna Asaf
Gyanpeeth                                     Ashapurna
1766                                              First Postal  (Lord Clive)
1986                                              Speed Post in India
Largest Planet Satellite                 Ganymede
Sister of Earth                               Venus
Largest Rice Producing state        West Bengal
Yojana Ayog                                  Prime Minister
S Y Qurashi                                    Election Commissioner ( Ist Sukumar Sen)
NCPR                                             Shanta Sinha
National Calendar                         22 March 1957
Fundamental Right                       12 -35 Article
Right to Equality                           Article 14
Equal Opportunity                         Article 16
Abolition of Un touchability          Article 17
Panchayati Raj                              11 th Schedule
Remedies for enforcement of rights conferred by this Part.       Article 32
Lok Sabha Member                       25 Years
Rajya Sabha                                  30 Year
Seat Reserved in Lok Sabha For SCà84  STà47  Anglo Indian à 02
First Chief Justice                          Heeralal Kaniya
Parliamentary form/Single Citizinship  à  Britain
Union Form                                   Canada
Fundamental Right                       USA
Duties                                            USSR
Directive Principles                       Ireland
Amendment                                  S Africa
Democratic                                   France
Emergency                                    West Germany
No. of Members                            Constituent Assembly à 292  (states) in all à389
Lok Sabha                                      530 (state) + 20 (UT) + 2 (President Recommendation)
Rajya Sabha                                  250 (238 + 12 (President))
Vidhan Sabha                                500 Least 60
8th Schedule                                   22 Languages
First Election                                 1952
First Yojana Ayog                          15 March 1950
Panchayati Raj                              Nagaur Rajasthan 02 October 1959
Sarkariya Ayog                              Central and State
Arunanchal Pradesh CM               Doraji Khordu  (Helicopter Assassination)
Separate Bodoland                       Umbrella Group
Online Voting                                1 st State Gujrat
108 Amendment                           83 % Reservation to female
Mercy Killing                                 Euthratia
Gen V K Singh                                Accused for Date of Birth
Light fighting Plane                       Tejas
First Humanless submarine          ROV
Dhanush                                        Surface to surface
Prahar                                           Surface to Surface
Astra                                              Air to Air
Shourya                                         Surface to Surface
Admiral Goserkkov                       Flight Loading Ship
·         2 G spectrum                                A Raja and Kanimojhi
·         Nargrid                                          National Intelligance
·         Socio Economic & Caste Census   2011
·         11th Five year plan                                    2007-12
·         Padmanabh temple                      1773  King Martand Verma (Dravid Art)
·         Bird Flue                                        H5N1
·         Emerging the Global Indian          9th NRI Meet Jaipur
·         UID  (First)                                     Maharashtra Tembhali à Ranjana
·         National Heritage Animal             Elephant
·         Kamla Prasad Bisasar                   Trinidad & Tobega Prime Minister
·         CECA                                             Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
·         World Bank                                   Robert Joellick
·         Nepal President                            Rambaran Yadav
·         South Sudan                                  193 UN Member
·         UN Section for women                  UN Women
·         G-20 June 2012                             Laus Kaibos (Mexico)  (2011 àFrance Kan)
·         NATO                                             28 Nation
·         Internet                                         Completed 40 yrs. 2 September 1969
Len Kleinrock 
·         Email                                             Ray Tomlinsun
·         WWW                                            Tim Beiners Lee
·         Broad Band is Fundamental R.     Finland
·         Osama Bin Laden                          Abutabad  (Operation Neptune Spear/Geronimo) 2ndMay
·         Ashes Cup                                      Cricket
·         Fifa Foot Baller of the Year          Leonil Messy   (Marta àWomen Category)
·         Kim Klisters                                   Tennis Player
·         Burz Dubai                                                Highest Building
·         Kriss Gel                                        Double Century in IPL
·         Ajlan Shah Hockey                                    Winner Australia
·         G-8                                                            France (Devwiley)
·         Rofel Naudal                                 Open Tennis ( 6 Times winner)
·         Japan Winner of women               FIFA Cup
·         Juno Space Craft                           Jupiter (NASA)
·         Maliga First Player to perform Hetrick in ODI  (First Baller)
·         American Open Tennis                 Novac Jokkowiter
·         Miss Universe                               Laila Lopez
·         Steve Jobes                                    Apple
·         Miss World                                    Ivian Lunosal
·         Curiosity                                        Space shuttle to Mars by NASA
·         Spain winner                                 Davis Cup  (Tennis)
·         Russia                                            DUMA     
·         USA                                                SENAT
·         Japan                                             Diet
·         Below Poverty Line                       Rural  à 2100 Cal   Urban à 2400 Cal
·         Suresh Tendulkar Committee for BPL  à Cost of living
·         Caste Census                                 1931  
·         Literacy                                         74%
·         Cyrus Pallonji Mistri                     Chairman TATA Group
·         UID Chairman                               Nandon Nilkeni
·         Damodaran Committee                Bank Improvement
·         Swabhiman                                   To provide Banking in Rural
·         State Bank of Indore                     Dissolves in SBI
·         Logo of Rupee                               D Uday
·         Call Auction                                   15 Minutes earlier auction of shares
·         Mobile Portability                         20 Jan 2011
·         Vivek Exp. Largest Distance Train  (Earlier Himsagar Express)
·         17th Railway Zone                         Kolkata
·         IMEI                                               International Mobile Equipment Identity
·         CAT                                                Competition Apllete Tribunal
·         Common wealth Chief (egklfpo) Kamlesh Sharma
·         SAARC Chief                                  Fatima Diyana
·         Present Chief Justis                       Kapadia
·         RBI  Governor                               D Subbarao
·         Dr. C Rangarajan                          Economic Cosultant to PM
·         SEM Pitroda                                  Infrastructure, Information & Innovation to PM
·         The sense of an ending                 Julian Barms (Man Booker)
·         Philip Roth                                     Man Booker International 2011
·         The Empire of Old Melodies        Siddharth Mukherjee (Pultizer Award)
·         K Balachander                               Dada Saheb Falke Award
·         Best Film                                       Adan Mite
·         Best Oscar Film                             The Kings of Speech
·         Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratan               Gagan Narang
·         ICC Best Player                             Zonathan Strat
·         Indira Gandhi Award                     Loius Inasiyo
·         Jawahar lal International Understanding Award  à Angela Merkel
·         Mahatma Gandhi International Award  for Peace  à Dalai Lama
·         Fauza Singh                                   Shatayu Dhawak
·         Face Book                                      Juker Berg (Time: Person of the Year)
·         Daniel Schiman                             Quasi Crystal  (Nobel Prize)
·         Vinayak Sen                                   Naxalit Accused
·         9th January                                     NRI Day
·         8th March                                      Women Day
·         26th June                                        Drug Rehabilitation Day
·         26 th July                                        Kargil (Vijay Diwas)
·         24 December                                Consumer Day
·         16 December                                Vijay Diwas
·         Appa Sherpa                                  21 times Mt. Everest
·         Anshu Jemenspa                           10 days twice Mt. Everest
·         Earth Our                                      Global Warming (Total countries : 133
·         Project Aero                                  to improve postals
·         SAARC                                           Bhutan (Thimpu)
·         BRICKS                                           Meeting of Health Member of Different Country
§  Sanya City China 14 April 2011
·         Gagan                                            Geo Augmented Navigation (For ATC)
·         WWW                                            Completed 20 years
·         First Space                                     12 April 1961
·         Messenger Space                          Mercury Photographs
·         New Earth                                     Gliese s8lg
·         Space Shuttle Atlantis                   Last Expedition
·         Denis Tito                                      First Space Tourist
·         Madam Tusad Museum                Wax Idols of Personality
·         N Shrinivasan                                BCCI
·         Coach of Indian Team for world cup:       Garry Cristen  (next coach: Duncon Fletcher)
·         ICCI Chief                                      Haroon Largot
·         Baichun Bhutia                              Foot Ball
·         Yuro Cup                                       Foot Ball
·         World Foot Ball Cup                      2010 à South Africa  2014 àBrazil
·         Azlan Shah Cup                             2010 à India and Korea  2011 à Australia
·         World Wrestling Championship   Sushil Kumar
·         Olympics
Norman Pritchard                         1900 : 200 m/200m Hurdle race First Indian to get 2 silver
in Olympics (But International Olympic union account it for England)
National Hockey team                                    1928/1932/1936/1948/1952/1956/1964/1980 (Gold
K D Jadhav                                           Bronze medal  1952  (Wrestling)
Leander Pas                                        Bronze 1996
Karnam Maleshwari                           Bronze 2000 ( Women 69 Kg)
Rajyawardhan Singh Rathour             2004
Abhinav Bindra                                   Gold 2008 (10 metre Air Rifle)
Sushil Kumar                                       Bronze  2008
Vijendra Kumar                                   Bronze  2008
Super Computer                                  Japan  (Fastest Computer)
Saga 2020                                           Super Computer DRDO
19th Common wealth Games              3-14 October 2010
First Gold Medal                                 Nigeria : Augustina Nkem Nudekole  :  48 Kg
Best Player                                          David Dixon
Gold Medal By India                           38
Silver                                                   27
Bronze                                                 36
Gagan Narang                                     04 Gold Medal
16th Asiad Gwangjho (China)               Ist China  (First and Ninth Asiad India)
ICC World Cup                                                Winner India Runner Srilanka
                                                            Man of tournament:  Yuvraj Singh
                                                            Man of the Match   : Dhoni
·         Income Tax Department               Completed 150 Years
·         Formulae Race in India                 “Indian Grand Prix”  - Winner Sabestian Vaittel
Red Bull Team
·         10th NRI                                         Jaipur
·         Indian Expedition to Antartica      1. Dakshin Gangotri  2. Maitri  3. Bharti
·         Report on Malnutrition                 Hungama
·         Geography of India                       Tolmy
·         Megasthenes                                Indica
·         Father of Histor                             Hirodatus
·         Astdhyayi                                       Panini
·         Mohanjodado                                Rakhal Das Banerjee
·         Political Guru of S C Bose             Deshbandhu Chitranjan Das
·         Pakistan word was proposed        Choudhari Rahmat Ali
·         A O Hume                                     Hermit of Shimla
·         The distance b/w two longitude   Gore
·         World is divided into                     24 Time Zones
·         Maximum depth                           Meriyana Ditch  (11,033 M)
·         Stramboli                                      Volcano: Bhumadhya Sagar Ka Prakash Stambh
·         Maximum Density  Population     Singapore (Country)
·         Deepest lake of world                   Baikal Lake (1940 m depth)
·         Largest Lake                                  Caspian Sea
·         Highest Lake with salty water      Paigang Lake
·         Largest Mine of Gold                    Ontario
·         Highest Boating Lake                    Titikaka  (3811 M)
·         Argentina                                                  Pampas  (Grassland)
·         Africa and Europe                         Zibraltar Sandhi
·         Africa Grassland                           Savana
·         Largest Desert                              Sahara (84,00,000 sq km) Chaad Lake is in Sahara
·         Gold City                                       Johansberg
·         City of Diamond                            Kimbrel
·         Australlian Native                         Aborigins
·         Tourus Sandhi                               Australia and New guinea
·         Potable water of Earth                 2.5 %
·         Similar Salt level places are         joined by Isohaline
·         Van Lake                                       Highest Salinity (Turkey)
·         Couroulis Effect                            In Northern hemisphere the movement of water current
Is towards right whereas in southern towards left.
·         Tides and Ebbs                              Rising of sea water and moving forward is Tides and falling
back of water is Ebbs. The Effect of Moon Force is double in comparison to sun. High Tide is on Full Moon and New Moon Day (Sun/Moon/Earth are in straight line) and on 7th or 8th day they are at right angles therefore low tides occur on this days.  On earth after every 12 Hrs. 26 Min. Tides occur and after every 6 Hrs and 13 Min. occurs ebb. On every day the Tides occur for twice : one due to attraction force of moon and one due to centrifugal force of earth.
·         Southampton (South Africa)         It occurs for Four times (Tides)
·         Sun provides                                  Perm Minute / sq cm 1.94 calorie of energy
·         Chairman Space Centre                G Madhvan Nair
·         Wheat Producing                          First: China    Second:   India
·         Rice Producing                              First : China   Second: India
·         Eskimos                                         Greenland/Canada
·         Bushman                                       Botswana
·         Pigmy                                            Congo Basin
·         Papuans                                         New guinea
·         City of Seven Mountains               Rom (Italy)
·         Pearl of Ant lease                         Cuba
·         Sugar Bowl of the world               Cuba
·         City of air/Garden City                 Chicago (USA)
·         Sorrow of China                            Yauhang River
·         Angel Water Fall                           Caro River
·         Largest Peninsula                          Kazakhstan
·         India is 2.42 % of World and in population 16.7 %
·         Southern Most Point                     Indira Point (Pigmilian Point)
·         Northern Most Point                     Indira Call
·         Western Most Point                      Sir Creeck
·         Eastern Most Point                       Walangu
·         India- China                                   Mac Mohan Line
·         India – Pakistan                             Redcliff Line
·         India – Afganistan                         Durand Line
·         Indian Standard Time                   Allahabad (Mirjapur  82 ½ 0 East
·         Gujrat has longest Coastal line     1200 KM
·         Himalaya was replacing               Tithis Sea
·         Arawali Mt.  Highest Peak                        Gurushikhar  (Mt. Abu)
·         Chotanagpur Plateu                      is known as “Bharat ka Rur”
·         Andaman Nicobar                         In Bay of Bengal  (247 islands – Andaman/19-Nicobar)
·         Sea Island in Bay of Bengal à Gangasagar  with new island called New Moor
·         Largest Harbor of UT                    Port Blair
·         Origin of Ganga                            Gangotri Himani
·         Origin of Alaknanada                    Satopanth Himani
·         Gaga river                                                 Padma ( Bangladesh)
·         Bramhaputra                                Jamuna ( (Bangladesh)
·         According to Pact b/w India and Pakistan India can use only 20% of the water of Sindhu
·         Costal Lake of India (Biggest)       Chilka (Odisha)
·         Sweet Water lake                         Wullar Lake
·         Artificial Lake                                Govind Sagar Lake (Punjab)
·         Sambhar and Didwana                 Salt lake
·         Highest Point Lake                        Cholamu Lake
·         Climate of India                            ushana katibandhiya mansooni
·         Weather forecast in India             1875  (Firstly in Shimla à Now Pune)
·         Alluvial Soil                                   Covers 22 % in India
·         Agricultural Land in India             51 %
·         Tilhan Technology Mission           1986
·         Rabi Crop                                      sown   àOct/Nov  harvested à March/April
·         Khariff Crop                                  sown  à June/July  harvested  à Nov/Sept
·         First Iron Plant                              Kulti (WB) 1874
·         Cotton Cloth                                  1818 Kolkata   (Fort Glaster)
·         Mumbai                                        Capital of Cotton Clothes
·         Kanpur                                           Manchester of Northern India
·         Coimbtore                                     Manchester of Southern India
·         Boston Of India                             Ahmedabad
·         Gold Fibre                                     Jute   (1859  à Rishra  (Kolkota)
·         Cement                                         1824 Britain   Portland
·         In India Cement Factory               1904  Madras
·         ACC (Associate Cement Co.)         1936
·         Super Phosphate                           1906  Tamil Nadu (Ranepet)
·         Indian Fertilizer Department        1951  (Largest Factory at Sindri was established in Asia)
·         Paper Mill                                     1716 Near Madras (Trankwar) estd. By William Core
·         Chitranjan Locomotives                26 January 1950
·         Railway Engine                             Jamshedpur  (Jharkhand)
·         Telephone Industry                       Banglore and Roopnarayanpur (Kolkata)
·         Doldrums                                      The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), known by sailors as The Doldrums, is the area encircling the earth near the equator where winds originating in the northern and southern hemispheres come together.
·          Male
The first President of Indian Republic
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
The first Prime Minister of free India
Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
The first Indian to win Nobel Prize
Rabindranath Tagore
The first President of Indian National Congress
W.C. Banerjee
The first Muslim President of Indian National Congress
Badruddin Tayyabji
The first Muslim President of India
Dr. Zakir Hussain
The first British Governor General of India
Lord William Bentinck(1833-1835)
The first British Governor General of Bengal
Lord Warren Hasting(1774-1885)
The first British Viceroy of India
Lord Canning
The first Governor General of free India
Lord Mountbatten
The first and the last Indian to be Governor General of free India
C. Rajgopalachari
The first man who introduced printing press in India
James Hicky
The first Indian to join the I.C.S
Satyendra Nath Tagore
India’s first man in Space
Rakesh Sharma
The first Prime Minister of India who resigned without completing the full term
Morarji Desai
The first Indian Commander-in-Chief of India
General Cariappa
The first Chief of Army Staff
Gen. Maharaj Rajendra Singhji
The first Indian Member of the Viceroy’s executive council
The first President of India who died while in office
Dr. Zakhir Hussain
The first Muslim President of Indian Republic
Dr. Zakhir Hussain
The first Prime Minister of India who did not face the Parliament
Charan Singh
The first Field Marshal of India
S.H.F. Manekshaw
The first Indian to get Nobel Prize in Physics
The first Indian to receive Bharat Ratna award
Dr. Radhakrishnan
The first Indian to cross English Channel
Mihir Sen
The first Person to receive Jnanpith award
Sri Shankar Kurup
The firs Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Ganesh Vasudeva Mavalankar
The first Vice-President of India
Dr. Radhakrishnan
The first Education Minister
Abdul Kalam Azad
The first Home minister of India
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
The first Indian Air Chief Marshal
S. Mukherjee
The first Indian Naval Chief
Vice Admiral R.D. Katari
The first Judge of International Court of Justice
Dr. Nagendra Singh
The first person to reach Mt. Everest without oxygen
Sherpa Anga Dorjee
The first person to get Param Vir Chakra
Major Somnath Sharma
The first Chief Election Commissioner
Sukumar Sen
The first person to receive Magsaysay Award
Acharya Vinoba Bhave
The first person of Indian origin to receive Nobel Prize in Medicine
Hargovind Khurana
The first Chinese traveller to visit India
The first person to receive Stalin Prize
Saifuddin Kitchlu
The first person to resign from the Central Cabinet
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
The first person to receive Nobel Prize in Economics
Amartya Sen
The first Chief Justice of Supreme Court
Justice Hirala J. Kania
The first Indian Pilot
J.R.D. Tata (1929)

The first lady to become Miss World
Rita Faria
The first woman judge in Supreme Court
Mrs. Meera Sahib Fatima Bibi
The first woman Ambassador
Miss C.B. Muthamma
The first woman Governor of a state in free India
Mrs Sarojini Naidu
The first woman Speaker of a State Assembly
Shanno Devi
The first woman Prime Minister
Mrs Indira Gandhi
The first woman Minister in a Government
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
The first woman to climb Mount Everest
Bachhendri Pal
The first woman to climb Mount Everest twice
Santosh Yadav
The first woman President of Indian National Congress
Mrs Annie Besant
The first woman pilot in Indian Air Force
Harita Kaur Dayal
The first woman Graduates
Kadambini Ganguly and Chandramukhi Basu, 1883
The first woman Airline Pilot
Durga Banerjee
The first woman Honours Graduate
Kamini Roy, 1886
The first woman Olympic medal Winner
Karnam Malleswari, 2000
The first woman Asian Games Gold Medal Winner
Kamlijit Sandhu
The first woman Lawyer
Cornelia Sorabjee
The first woman President of United Nations General Assembly
Mrs Vijaya Laxmi Pandit
The first woman Chief Minister of an Indian State
Mrs Sucheta Kripalani
The first woman Chairman of Union Public Service Commission
Roze Millian Bethew
The first woman Director General of Police
Kanchan Chaudhary Bhattacharya
The first woman Judge
Anna Chandy (She became judge in a district court in 1937)
The first woman Cheif Justice of High Court
Mrs Leela Seth (Himachal Pradesh High Court)
The first woman Judge in Supreme Court of India
Kumari Justice M. Fathima Beevi
The first woman Lieutenant General
Puneeta Arora
The first woman Air Vice Marshal
P. Bandopadhyaya
The first woman chairperson of Indian Airlines
Sushma Chawla
The first woman IPS officer
Mrs. Kiran Bedi
The first and last Muslim woman ruler of India
Razia Sultan
The first woman to receive Ashoka Chakra
Nirja Bhanot
The first woman to receive Jnanpith Award
Ashapurna Devi
The first woman to cross English Channel
Aarti Saha
The first woman to receive Nobel Prize
Mother Teresa
The first woman to receive Bharat Ratna
Mrs Indira Gandhi
The first woman to receive Jnanpith Award
Ashpurna Devi
Cups and Trophies
Aga Khan Cup, Begam Rasul Trophy (women's), Maharaja Ranjit Singh Gold Cup, Lady Ratan Tata Trophy (women's), Gurunanak Championship (women's), Dhyanchand Trophy, Nehru Trophy, Sindhia Gold Cup, Murugappa Gold Cup, Wellington Cup etc
Beghum Hazarat Mahal Cup, BILT Cup, Bordoloi Trophy, Colombo Cup, Confederation Cup, DCM Trophy, Durand Cup, Rovers Cup, BC Rai Trophy (National Championship), FIFA World Cup, Jules Rimet Trophy, Kalinga Cup, Santosh Trophy (National Championship), IFA Shield, Scissor Cup, Subroto Mukherjee Cup, Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee Trophy, Todd Memorial Trophy, Vittal Trophy, etc.
Anthony D' Mellow Trophy, Ashes, Asia Cup, Benson and Hedges Cup, Bose Trophy, Champions Trophy, Charminar Challenger Cup, CK Naidu Trophy, Cooch - Behar Trophy, Deodhar Trophy, Duleep Trophy, Gavaskar - Border Trophy, GD Birla Trophy, Gillette Cup, Ghulam Ahmand Trophy, Hakumat Rai Trophy, ICC World Cup, Irani Trophy, Interface Cup, Jawaharlal Nehru Cup, Lomboard World Challenge Cup, Mc Dowells Challenge Cup, Merchant Cup, Moin-ud-Dowla Cup, Nat West Trophy, Prudential Cup (World Cup), Rani Jhansi Trophy, Ranji Trophy, Rohinton Baria Trophy, Rothmans Cup, Sahara Cup, Sharjah Cup, Sheesh Mahal Trophy, Sheffield Shield, Singer Cup, Sir Frank Worrel Trophy, Texaco Cup, Titan Cup, Vijay Hazare Trophy, Vijay Merchant Trophy, Vizzy Trophy, Wisden Trophy, Wills Trophy, World Series Cup.
Table Tennis
Berna Bellack Cup (men), Corbillion Cup (women), Jai Laxmi Cup (women), Rajkumari Challenge Cup (women junior), Ramanuja Trophy (men junior), Travancore Cup (women), Swathling Cup (men), etc
Aggarwal Cup, Amrit Diwan Cup, Asia Cup, Australasia Cup, Chaddha Cup, European Cup, Harilela Cup, Ibrahim Rahimatollah Challenger Cup, Konica Cup, Narang Cup, SR Ruia Cup, Sophia Cup, Kitiakara Cup, Thomas Cup, Tunku Abdulrahman Cup, Uber Cup, World Cup, Yonex Cup etc
Basalat Jha Trophy, BC Gupta Trophy, Federation Cup, SM Arjuna Trophy, Todd Memorial Trophy, William Jones Cup, Bangalore Blues Challenge Cup, Nehru Cup, Federation Cup etc.
Basalat Jha Trophy, Holkar Trophy, Ruia Gold Cup, Singhania Trophy, etc
Ezra Cup, Gold Cup, King's Cup, Prithi Cup, Schneider Cup etc.
Charminar Trophy, Federation Cup etc
Air Racing
Jawaharlal Challenge Trophy, King's Cup, Schneider Cup etc
Arthur Walker Trophy, Thomas Cup etc
Aspy Adjahia Trophy, Federation Cup, Val Baker Trophy etc.
Canada Cup, Eisenhower Trophy, Muthiah Gold Cup, Nomura Trophy, President's Trophy, Prince of Wales Cup, Ryder Cup, Solheim Cup, Topolino Trophy, Walker Cup, World Cup etc
Naidu Trophy, Khaitan Trophy, Limca Trophy, Lin Arec City Trophy, World Cup, etc
Horse Racing
Beresford Cup, Blue Raiband Cup, Derby, Grand National Cup etc.
Anantrao Pawar Trophy, etc
Rugby Football
Bledisloe Cup, Calcutta Cup, Webb Ellis Trophy, etc
North Wales Cup, Welsh Grand Pix etc
Centennial Cup, Federation Cup, Indira Pradhan Trophy, Shivanthi Gold Cup, etc
America Cup, etc
Highest Award
Bharat Ratna
Highest Gallantry Award
Param Vir Chakra
Longest River in India
The Ganges
Longest Tributary river of India
Largest Lake
Wular Lake, Kashmir
Largest Lake (Saline Water)
Chilka Lake, Orrisa
Largest Man-Made Lake
Govind Vallabh Pant Sagar (Rihand Dam)
Largest Fresh Water Lake
Kolleru Lake (Andhra Pradesh)
Highest Lake
Devtal Lake, Gadhwal (Uttarakhand)
Highest Lake
Devatal (Gharhwal)
Highest Peak
Karkoram-2 of K-2(8,611 meters)
Highest Peak in the world is Mount Everest which is in Nepal
Largest Populated City
Largest State
Highest rainfall
Cherrapunhi (426 inches per annum)
Highest Watefall
Gersoppar Waterfall (292 meters high) in Mysore
State wise largest area under forest
Madhya Pradesh
Largest Delta
Sunderbans Delta
Largest River without Delta
Narmada and Tapti
Longest Cantilever Span bridge
Howrah Bridge
Longest River Bridge
Mahatma Gandhi Setu, Patna
Biggest Cave temple
Longest Road
Grand Trunk Road
Highest Road
Road at Khardungla,(in Leh-Manali Sector)
Biggest Mosque
Jama Masjid at Delhi
Highest Gateway
Buland Darwaza at Fatehpur Sikri (53.6 meters high)
Tallest Statue
Statue of Gomateshwar (17 meters high In Karnataka
Largest Public Sector Bank
State Bank of India
Longest Canal
Indira Gandhi Canal or Rajasthan Canal (Rajasthan)
Largest Dome
Gol Gumbaz at Bijapur
Largest Zoo
Zoological Garden at Alipur (Kolkata)
Largest Museum
India Museum at Kolkata
Longest Dam
Hirakud Dam (Orrisa)
Highest Dam
Bhakra Dam ( 225.5 meters high)
Highest Tower
Kutab Minar at Delhi (88.4 meters high)
Largest Desert
Thar (Rajasthan)
Largest District
Fastest Train
Shatabadi Express running between New Delhi and Bhopal
State with longest coastline
State with longest coastline of South India
Andhra Pradesh
Longest Electric Railway Line
From Delhi to Kolkata via Patna
Longest Railway Route
From Jammu to Kanyakumari
Longest Railway Platform
Kharagpur (W. Bengal)
Longest Platform
Kharagpur (West Bengal) 833 meters in Length. It is also the longest railway station in world
Longest Tunnel
Jawahar tunnel (Jammu & Kashmir)
Longest Highway
NH-7 which turns from Varanasi to Kanyakumari
Smallest State (Population)
Smallest State (Area)
Largest State (Area)
Largest State (Population)
Uttar Pradesh
Densest Populated State
West Bengal
Largest Cave
Amarnath (J&K)
Largest Cave Temple
Kailash Tmeple, Ellora (Maharastra)
Largest Animal Fair
Sonepur (Bihar)
Largest Auditorium
Sri Shanmukhanand Hall (Mumbai)
Biggest Hotel
Oberai-Sheraton (Mumbai)
Largest Port
Largest Gurudwara
Golden Temple, Amritsar
Deepest River Valley
Bhagirathi & Alaknanda
Largest Church
Saint Cathedral (Goa)
Oldest Church
St. Thomas Church at Palayar, Trichur (Kerala)
Longest River
Ganga (2640 km long)
Longest Beach
Marina Beach, Chennai
Highest Battle Field
Siachin Glacier
Highest Airport
Leh (Laddakh)
Biggest Stadium
Yuva Bharti (Salt Lake) Stadium, Kolkata
Largest River Island
Majuli (Brahmaputra River, Asom)
Largest Planetarium
Birla Planetarium (Kolkata)
Following are some Important dates of Indian History
Indus Valley Civilisation
Birtd of Gautama Buddha (or 576 BC in some sources)
Birtd of Mahavir; Nirvana
Alexander's invasion of India. It opened a land route between India and Europe
Accession of Chandragupta Maurya, according to Jain traditions.
Defeat of Seleucus at tde hands of Chandragupta Maurya
Ashoka's reign
Conquest of Kalinga
Reign of Elara, tde Chola king of Sri Lanka
Beginning of Vikrami Era
Beginning of Saka Era
Accession of Kanishka
Commencement of Gupta Era, tde golden age of Hindu India
Accession of Vikramaditya
Visit of Chinese traveller Fahien
Accession of Kumara Gupta I
Accession of Skanda Gupta
Harshavardhan's reign
First invasion in Sindh by Arabs
Accession of King Bhoja of Kannauj
Accession of Rajaraja tde Chola ruler
Accession of Sultan Mahmud
First invasion of India by Mahmud Ghazni who defeated Jaipal, ruler of Punjab.
Destruction of Somnatd Temple by Mahmud Ghazni
First Battle of Tarain
Second Battle of Tarain
Accession of Qutub-ud-Din Aibak to tde tdrone oof Delhi
Deatd of Qutub-ud-Din Aibak
Changez Khan invaded India (Mongol invasion)
Accession of Razia Sultan to tde tdrone of Delhi
Deatd of Razia Sultan
Accession of Ala-ud-Din Khilji
Deatd of Ala-ud-Din Khilji
Accession of Muhammad-bin Tughlaq
Shifting of Capital from Delhi to Daulatabad in Deccan by tde Tughlaqs
Foundation of Vijayanagar empire in Soutd
Accession of Feroze Shah
Invasion of India by Timur
Birtd of Guru Nank
Accession of Babur in Farghana
First Voyage of Vasco de Gama to India (discovery of sea route to India via Cape of Good Hope) I
First Battle of Panipat; Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodhi; foundation of Mughal dynasty by Babur
Battle of Kanwaha-Babur defeated Rana Sanga
Death of Babur and Accession of Humayun
Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun and became India's empreor
Humayun recaptured the throne of Delhi
Second battle of Panipal
Battle of Talikota
Battle of Haldighati - Rana Pratap defeated by Akbar
Din-e-IIahi founded by Akbar
East India Company established
Death of Akbar and accession of Jehangir
Execution of Guru Arjun Dev
Jehangir marries Nur Jahan
Sir Thomas Roe visits Jehangir
Birth of Shivaji and death of Jehangir
Shah Jahan becomes emperor of India
Death of Mumtaz Mahal
The English permitted to trade in India (in Bengal)
Accession of Aurangzeb, Shahjahan imprisoned
Shivaji imprisoned, by Aurangzeb
Death of Shah Jahan
Execution of Guru Teg Bahadur, the ninth Guru of Sikhs
Death of Shivaji
Death of Aurangzeb
Death of Guru Gobind Singh
Nadir Shah Invades India
Battle of Plassey, establishment of British political rule in India at the hands of Lord Clive
Third Battle of Panipat; Shah Alam II becomes India's emperor
Battle of Buxer
Clive appointed Company's Governor of India
First Mysore War
Birth of Maharaja Ranjit Singh
Second Mysore War
Pitt's India Act
Third Mysore War
The Permanent Settlement of Bengal
Fouth Mysore War - Death of Tipu Sultan
Treaty of Bassein
Treaty of Amritsar
Practice of Sati Prohibited
Raja Ram Mohan Roy visits England
Death of Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh
First Afghan War
First Anglo-Sikh War
Second Anglo-Burmese War
First Railway line opened between Bombay and Thane and a Telegraph line in Calcutta
The Sepoy Mutiny of First War of Independence
Birth of Rabindranath Tagore
Birth of Mahatma Gandhi
Foundation of Indian National Congress
Birth of Jawaharlal Nehru
Birth of Subhash Chandra Bose
Tibet Expedition
First Battle of Bengal under Lord Curzon
Foundation of Muslim League
Delhi Darbar; King and Queen visit India; Delhi becomes the Capital of India
World War I begins
Lucknow Pact Signed by Muslim League and Congress
World War I ends
Montague-Chemsford Reforms introduced; Jallianwala Bagh Massacre at Amritsar
Khilafat Movement launched
Boycott of Simon Commission; broadcasting started in India
Death of Lala Lajpat Rai
Lord Irwain's Pact; resolution of complete independence passed at Lahore Congress
Civil disobedience movement launched; Dandi March by Mahatma Gandhi (6 April, 1930)
Gandhi Irwin Pact
Government of India Act enacted
Provincial Autonomy; Congress forms ministries
Word War II begins (September 1)
Escape of Subhash Chandra Bose from India and death of Rabindranath Tagore
Arrival of Cripps Mission in India; Quit India Movement launched (August 8)
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose forms provisional Azad Hind Fauj and Indian National Army; Bengal Famine
Trial of Indian National Army at Red Fort; Shimla Conference; World War II ends
British Cabinet Mission visits India; Interim government formed at centre
Division of India; Indian and Pakistan seperate independent dimensions
Mahatma Gandhi assassinated (Jannuary 30); integration of princely states
Organizations and specialized agencies of the United Nations
Established in
 Rome, Italy
 Vienna, Austria
 Montreal, Canada
 Rome, Italy
 Geneva, Switzerland
1946 (1919)
 London, United Kingdom
 Washington, D.C., USA
1945 (1944)
 Geneva, Switzerland
1947 (1865)
 Paris, France
 Vienna, Austria
 Bern, Switzerland
1947 (1874)
 Washington, D.C., USA
1945 (1944)
 Rome, Italy
 Geneva, Switzerland
 Geneva, Switzerland
 Geneva, Switzerland
1950 (1873)
 Madrid, Spain
·         UN celebrating 2012                                             IYC (International Year of Cooperatives)
·         UN Celebrating 2011                                            International Year of Forest and Youth
·         Mental Maths
·         Numbers
Ø  Prime Numbers: A number greater than 1 is called a prime number, if it has exactly two factors, namely 1 and the number itself.
Ø  Prime Numbers greater than 100 : let p be a given number greater than 100 To find out whether it is prime or not, we use the following method:
Find a whole number nearly greater than the square root of p. Let k >    p. Test whether p is divisible by any prime number less than k. If yes, then p is not a prime number. Otherwise p is prime number
Ex. We have to find whether 191 is a prime number or not.  Now, 14 >   191 Prime Numbers less than 14 are 2,3,5,7,11,13. 191 is not divisible by any of them. So 191 is a prime number.
Ø  Composite numbers: Numbers greater tha 1 which are not prime, are known as composite is number
Ø  Note:  1 is neither prime nor composite
Ø  2 is the only even number which is prime
Ø  There are 25 prime numbers b/w 1 and 100
Ø  Co primes: Two number a and b are said to be co-primes, if their HCF is 1 eg. (2,3), (4,5)
Ø  A number is divisible by 2 : if its unit’s digit is any of 0,2,4,6,8
Ø  Divisibility by 3:  if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3
Ø  Divisibility by 4: If the number formed by last two digit is divisible by 4
Ø  Divisibility by 5: If the unit digit is either 0 or 5
Ø  Divisibility by 6: If it is divisible by 2 and 3
Ø  Divisibility by 8: If the number formed by the last three digits of the given number is divisible by 8
Ø  Divisibility by 9: If the sum of its digits are divisible by 9
Ø  Divisibility by 10: if the number ends with 0
Ø  Divisibility by 11: (sum of the digits at odd place)-(even place)  is either 0 or divisible by 11
Ø  Divisibility by 12: If divisible by 3 and 4
Ø  Divisibility by 14: If divisible by 2 and 7
Ø  Divisibility by 15 : if divisible by 3 and 5
Ø  Divisibility by 16: If the number formed by last for digits is divisible by 16
Ø  Divisibility by 24: If divisible by both 3 and 8
Ø  Divisibility by 40: if it is divisible by both 5 and 8
Ø  Divisibility by 80: if it is divisible by both 5 and 16
Ø  If a number is divisible by p as well q, where p and q are co-primes, then the given number is divisible by pq
If p and q are not co-primes then the given number need not be divisible by pq even when it is divisible by both p and q
*      Multiplication by SHORT CUT METHODS
1.      Multiplication by Distributive Law:
a x (b+c)  = axb   + axc
a x (b-c)  = axb  - axc
2.      Multiplication of a Number by 5n : Put n zeros to the right of the multiplicand and divide the number so formed by 2n
Example : 975436 x 625  = 975436  x 54  = 9754360000/16
*      (a+b)2  = a2 + b2 + 2ab
*      (a-b)2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab
*      (a+b)2 –(a-b)2 = 4ab
*      (a+b) 2 + (a-b) 2 = 2(a2 +b2)
*      (a2 - b2) = (a+b) (a-b)
*      (a+b+c) 2  = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2 (ab+ bc+ca)
*      (a3 + b3) = (a+b)(a2-ab+b2)
*      (a3 –b3) = (a-b) (a2+ab+b2)
*      (a3+b3+c3 -3abc) = (a+b+c)(a2+b2+c2-ab-bc-ca)
*      If a + b + c  = 0 , then a3+b3+c3 = 3abc
*      1 +2+3+…..+n   = n(n+1)/2
*      12+22+32+….+n2   =   n(n+1)(2n+1)/6
*      13+23 +33….+n= n2(n+1)2/4
Ø  Factors and Multiples: If a number a divides another number b exactly, we say that a is a factor of b. In this case, b is called a multiple of a
Ø  HCF or Greatest Common Measure or Greatest Common Divisor:  is the greatest number that divides each of them exactly.
*      Factorization Method: Express each one of the given numbers as the product of Prime Factors. The product of least powers of common prime factors gives HCF
*      Division Method: Suppose we have to find the HCF of two given numbers. Divide the larger number by the smaller one. Now, divide the divisor by the remainder. Repeat the process of dividing the preceding number by the remainder last obtained till zero is obtained as remainder. The last divisor number is required HCF.
*      Finding the HCF of more than two numbers: Suppose we have to find the HCF of three numbers. Then, HCF of (any two ) and the third numbers gives the HCF of three numbers.
Ø  Least Common Multiple:  The least number which is exactly divisible by each one of the given numbers is called their LCM
*      Factorization Method: Resolve each one of the given numbers into a product of prime factors. Then, LCM is the product of highest powers of all the factors.
*      Common Division Method:  Arrange the given numbers in a row in any order. Divide by a number which divides exactly at least two of the given numbers and carry forward the numbers which are not divisible. Repeat the above process till no two of the numbers are divisible by the same number except 1 The product of the divisors and the undivided numbers is the required LCM of the given numbers.
Ø  Products of two numbers  = Product of their HCF and LCM
Ø  HCF and LCM of Fractions:
*      HCF  =  HCF of Numerators/ LCM of denominators
*      LCM  = LCM of Numerators/HCF of denominators
Ø  HCF and LCM of Decimal Fractions: In a given numbers, make the same number of decimal places by annexing zeros in some numbers, if necessary. Considering these numbers without decimal point, find HCF or LCM as the case may be. Now, in the result, mark off as many decimal places as are there in each of the given numbers
Ø  Comparison of fraction: Find the LCM of the denominators of the given fractions, Convert each of the fractions into an equivalent fractions with LCM as the denominator by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the same number. The resultant fraction with the greatest numerator is the greatest.
·         Average
Suppose a man covers a certain distance at x km/hr & an equal distance at y km/hr
Average speed   = 2xy/(x+y)
Average of First n natural number   =  n(n+1)/2n                        = n+1/2
Mean of square of 12 22, 32 ……n2    =  n(n+1)(2n+1)/6